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 本テキスト執筆にあたり、底本として「Henry D Smith II "Hokusai and the Blue Revolution in Edo Prints"- Columbia University」ほかを使用しております。引用についてはそれぞれの段落末尾で明記しています。尚、この場をお借りして研究家諸氏の労作を参考にさせていただきましたことを、深く御礼申し上げます。また本テキストご利用の際は、引用明記をお願いいたします。




Diesbach in Berlin invented Prussian Blue in 1706. It spread fast over the world, via Holland, and arrived, started using by Ukiyoe artists in the early 19th century in Edo.This pigment and hue changed strategy for Hokusai, Eisen, Hiroshige and Utagawa school artists.

This text profiled images through digital data base from the world museums and galleries and followed transition of the spread of the blue and the birth of masterpieces from end of Bunsei to Tempo period (1829-1831) in Japan.


I would very much appreciate to all resources and authors that brought me the initial perspective over this investigation. Not necessary to say this text is owning a lot by their endeavours.


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